Des artistes qui ont inspiré et changé la donne dans les domaines de l'art,des médias,du design , niv pré-interméd

2 ECTS, Semestre S1, ENG-CRA2-S1

Equipe enseignante: Nicole CRANLEY DUBERNAT

Contenu et modalités d'enseignement:
This course is designed for pre-intermediate students who may feel insecure in their English abilities, particularly in speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. The focus of the course will be oral communication, with students researching and presenting on famous artists who have influenced art, media, and design. Through this process, students will develop confidence in communicating their ideas in English, while improving their speaking and presentation skills. Teacher modeling will guide students as they select topics, conduct research, and practice delivering presentations.

Savoir-faire et connaissance acquise:
By the end of this course, students will:
- Develop oral communication and presentation skills in English.
- Improve research abilities and vocabulary related to art, media, and design.
- Gain confidence in expressing their opinions and interests in English.
- Enhance listening and note-taking skills during peer presentations.
- Learn to apply basic grammar structures to spoken and written English.

Modalité de travail étudiant: Travail individuel et en groupe

Modalités d'évaluation:
**Attendance & Participation (20%)**
Regular participation in class activities and discussions.

- **Midterm Exam (20%)**
Speaking and listening assessments based on student presentations and comprehension.

- **Final Presentation (40%)**
Evaluation of content, language use, delivery, and visual aids.

- **Homework and Assignments (20%)**
Weekly research, vocabulary exercises, and presentation preparation tasks.

Références indicatives:

Séances de cours:
vendredi 04 octobre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 11 octobre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 18 octobre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 08 novembre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 15 novembre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 22 novembre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 06 décembre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 13 décembre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 20 décembre 202410:30-12:00
vendredi 10 janvier 202510:30-12:00
vendredi 17 janvier 202510:30-12:00